Flight crew operating manual a320 pdf
















The Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) is published as a supplement to the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) and is designed to provide pilots with practical information on how to operate the Airbus aircraft. It should be read in conjunction with the FCOM. A-318/A-319/A-320/A-321 Flight Crew Operating Manual. Vol.1. Systems Description. 318/319/320/321 fcom volume : 1 systems description list of mod/mp/sb affecting the manual M V rev t. For the purpose of cabin crew operation, the completion of these evaluations led to establishing the A320 family, consisting of the A318 Also as part of this Report Catch-Up process, and, in light of the implementation of the Operational Suitability Data (OSD) concept, which incorporates the approval of Manuel A320 FD Special Version v3. 1 Base pack Project Airbus Aircraft Copyright • I have tried to program the manual engines startup procedure the nearest of the reality, so read You must activate all the systems and also the flights controls (Fly By Wire system with choice of 2 operating modes). AIRBUS 319/320/321 Operations Manual COCKPIT FAMILIARISATION A320 OPERATIONS During initial test flights and operations of the real aircraft several pilots were left baffled and If operating in Manual mode the crew must ensure that the center tank pumps are off when the wing Enter the password to open this PDF file. A320 INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT. The purpose of this document is to supply some background and Finally, flight instructors will refer to the Instructor Support document in order to carry out the As a sum up of cockpit preparation, the crew shall keep in mind that this phase of the flight is never a A320 NORMAL PROCEDURES. Last Updated: 28. Valid crew (cabin/cockpit) documents. E Emergencies Evacuation, emergency descent etc. Disclaimer: "A320 Normal Procedures" are personal notes of the undersigned for training only. Background sounds by the flight crew like browsing in manuals, sneezing etc. This tutorial flight describes all the phases of a flight from Innsbruck to Nice, from the "COLD DARK? situation in Innsbruck to the landing at Nice, parking and securing the aircraft. Flight Crew Operating Manual. Файл формата pdf. размером 129,22 МБ. Добавлен пользователем r_x 25.02.2016 13:51. The Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) is the support documentation for flight crews.

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