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complements the formal UCL academic regulations and guidelines for research degree students in the UCL Academic Manual (see over). UCL Academic Manual 2018-19. Chapter 5: Research Degrees Framework. Procedures for Viva Examination for. Research Degrees. Guidance for Candidates at Points The programme approval processes detailed elsewhere in this chapter relate to taught programmes. 2. Research-only degrees (e.g. MPhil, PhD) must be approved UCL Academic Manual 2019-20 Supervision of Research Degree Students Research degree supervision is about enabling the student to conceive, design, The General Regulations apply to all University College London (UCL) MPhil, PhD,. EngD and MD(Res) students. The Academic Regulations for Students forRecruitment and admission of students to UCL's programmes. Chapter 2: Qualifications and Credit Framework. The underpinning structures of taught and research This information is for postgraduate research students. There are further details about examination entry for research degrees in the Academic Manual. Chapter 5 is UCL's regulatory framework for the assessment and examination of Postgraduate Research students at UCL. UCL Academic Manual. 2019-20. Chapter 5: Research Degrees Framework. Part A: Research Degree. Regulations. Covering MPhil/ PhD, EngD, MD(Res) and MRes Chapter 1: Student Recruitment and Admissions 2020-21 · Chapter 2: Qualifications and Credit Framework 2020-21 · Chapter 3: Registration Framework for Taught
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